Third-Party Authorization System for Exhibition Statistics in Japan
The Japanese exhibition industry has developed steadily in line with Japan’s economic prosperity. In order to develop the industry even further, we believe it is crucial to attract more exhibitors and visitors from within Japan as well as from overseas to participate in exhibitions in Japan. To accomplish this, it is essential to increase the sense of trust that overseas exhibition industry-related people have in the Japanese exhibition industry. However, there has been a problem regarding the credibility of exhibition statistics in Japan because the method of counting the number of exhibitors and visitors has been unclear.
Addressing this problem, in April 2012, the Third-Party Authorization System for Exhibition Statistics was introduced with the aim of standardizing definitions and statistics related to the Japanese exhibition industry and streamlining highly credible and transparent exhibition statistics. At the same time, the Japan Exhibition Certification Council (JECC) was established to put the authorization system into practice. The JECC consists of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), the Japanese Association of Large-scale Exhibition Centers, and the Japan Exhibition Association.
We sincerely hope that exhibition industry-related people will understand the principles of the Third-Party Authorization System for Exhibition Statistics in Japan and will make use of them.
Japan Exhibition Certification Council